Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Am I Consistent?

I recently was involved in an online discussion about some of the false teachings that are seeping into our churches today. I honestly believe that God moved us from Minnesota to Ohio 12 years ago to get us out of a mega-church and into a small church where we could grow. We are living in a mega-church society. Many churches focus more on numbers than on honest conversions, some at the expense of the Gospel. What good does it do to gain the whole city for our church if their souls are still lost?

On Wednesday nights our church is doing The Truth Project put out by Focus on the Family. It is taught by Dr. Del Tackett and deals with society's worldview vs. a Biblical worldview. He quotes a study that says only 9% of Christians have a Biblical worldview even though most would say they do. It is no wonder that many of our churches are watering down the Gospel to draw in more numbers if our worldview is no different than that of the world.

So I ask myself, am I really one of the 9% or am I deceiving myself? I know that there are differences in how I live my life than how my average neighbor lives theirs, but do I really believe differently? As Dr. Tackett asks in the first lesson, “Do I really believe that what I believe is really real?”

Last week’s video had an illustration that for me, was very convicting. Dr. Tackett works with men who struggle with pornography. Most of them tell him that their biggest struggle is when their wife and kids are gone, leaving them alone. Dr. Tackett asks them if they believe in the omnipresence of God. He then points out that their statement that they believe God is omnipresent contradicts their statement that they struggle most when they are alone. If God is omnipresent, then we are never alone.

This made me evaluate what areas of my life I live inconsistent with what I say I believe. Over the last year, even before hearing this illustration, I often needed to remind myself that God hears my every thought. If I truly believe this, it is easier to take every thought captive, but I needed to start consciously reminding myself that He hears every thought before I could take them captive.

I’m sure that are other areas of my life that are not 100% consistent with what I believe. I pray that God will show these areas to me. I look forward to seeing what else I learn during this study.

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