Hebrews 10:17 "And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more."
How can an all-knowing God forget our sins and iniquities?
As I lay in bed confessing my unforgiveness to certain people for certain things, the fact became obvious that in order to forgive, I must heal from the hurt of their actions, but in order to heal from the hurt, I must forgive. Somewhere in the cycle, I must choose to do both.
Sin greives God more than other people's actions and words greive us. Sin so greives God that He cannot stand to be in its presence. Yet He loves us and wants us to be in fellowship with Him. For this reason, He sent His Son to pay for our sins, to wash them white with His Blood.
It is when we confess our sins and fall under the umbrella of Christ's Blood that God will choose to not remember our sins and iniquities, to not hold them against us. The price for these sins has been paid through His Love, His Sacriface through His Son.
Eternal Salvation is available the first time we confess and ask God to be the center of our lives. Sanctification comes on a daily, sometimes minute-by-minute basis as we recognize our sins and confess them, turning from them to live our lives God's way rather than our own. It is then that God "remembers them no more."
Please go to Vonnie's blog at My Back Door to read more Monday Manna entries. Every Monday, either Vonnie or Joanne will host as we all share our thoughts on a verse posted on Thursday.
What a powerful reminder of the power of God to forgive us - and what we need to do.
Yes, we are cleansed when we consciously forgive. The forgetting part is harder, but with His Spirit in us, it's possible.
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