Monday, March 7, 2011

The Healing Begins

The purpose of Monday Manna to get together and get to know Christ more through His Word. Each Thursday, a Bible verse to ponder will be posted, either at JoAnne's blog An Open Book, or at Vonnie's blog, My Back Door. The following Monday, those participating will post their thoughts on the verse at their own blogs and link up at the bottom of the post in the Linky gadget. The main purpose is to chew on the same Scripture and learn from one another. After reading my post, please go to An Open Door and read the other Monday Manna entries. Feel free to join the fun.

Here's this week's verse.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. Romans 8:26 NIV

I experienced a time this summer where I could not pray. I knew that the knowldedge I had just gained, the confrontation ahead of me would change my life forever. I did not know how to pray, to even express what I was feeling. Did I want this change? Was it for the best? I knew I could no longer ignore the inevitable.

As I lay in bed in the wee hours of the morning, trying to pray, too hurt to even groan, two lines of a song kept going through my head. I could not think of any other words of the chorus, let alone any of the verses. When I got in my van to go to work the next morning, the radio was playing that same song, and I turned it on as those two lines played. "This is where the healing starts, this is where the healing begins." I knew that song was God's answer to my prayer that I was unable to pray.


Joanne Sher said...

I LOVE when God gives us a snippet like that--we're so overwhelmed that even if he DID give us the words to pray, we wouldn't grasp it. He is right where we are, what we need.

Love this, Joanney. Thanks for participating.

Catrina Bradley said...

You may think you posted late, but your timing was perfect for me to come across this wonderful post. Thanks, Joanney.

Wanda said...

Amazing how He can sustain and/or strengthen us with just a few little life giving words.

Unknown said...

i;m new blogger..
visit and enjoy read your blog..
have a nice day